Monday, June 7, 2010

Doing well

How do go about updating your daughter's blog after you talked to her for 45 mins and discussed everything from peanut butter sandwiches to why people who have sickle cell disease don't have malaria? I know that during the time I was talking to her I was on cloud nine - she just sounded so good.
She said she was having an awesome experience. She said she was being stretched, she said she is not doing what she thought she would be doing. She told stories of street soccer, bible studies, game night, and movie night. She asked me to set up a TB test sometime during her 36 hour period home because she has been spending some time in the hospital (thankfully NOT as a patient). She has observed and participated in the work of living, the hassles of Ugandan Internet, the ins and outs of VISAs, and been exposed to the needs of the disabled. She purchased a bike to get around town with and is coming to the reality that she will not be able to take it home
Her biggest personal struggle? For those you who know Lisa, she likes to have a schedule for the week. When we were in Uganda last time, Tim had most of our 2 week visit planned. We knew what we were planning to do the next day. Lisa goes to bed at night and rarely has a real distinct plan for the next day. She knew that things would be a bit on the fly, but this is a real stretch for her.
Thanks for your interest.
Thanks for your prayers.
Please continue to pray. Pray for health, for safety, for opportunities, and for God's will to be done in Uganda.


  1. I pray that Lisa delights in the newness of everyday... it's one of the things I miss the most. So glad you're doing great!

  2. So proud of them both - thanks for sharing.

  3. Thanks for the update, Jane! Praying for you both, ladies.

  4. Thanks Lisa & Stephanie for all your hard work. You are a blessing to those around you, and to those who are here praying for you.
